Saturday, March 12, 2011

A prostitute in the genealogy of Jesus..?

Matthew Chapter 1 it begins with the genealogy of Jesus Christ. This is the verse that caught my attention.

                   5 Salmon begot Boaz by Rahab, Boaz begot Obed by Ruth, Obed begot Jesse

Did I just read Rahab? Is Rahab in the genealogy of Jesus Christ? 

Rahab was the prostitute who helped Joshua's spies when they came to Jericho. She helped them from being caught and they stayed there with her. This same prostitute later married one of the spies, Salmon, and had a son, Boaz who married Ruth and they had Obed who had

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Reading the Word of God

Reading God's word is enjoyable. In this life we need to keep our focus on God. It is His words that we need to encourage, motivate and to keep us going. God's word is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path. We need His word to guide and direct us and when we keep our focus on Him and His words, we can't go wrong.

Sometimes we get so frustrated, depressed, agitated by things and situations in this life but all of the things that we struggle with will pass away but God's word will still stand! The daily struggles that we go through each day are not more important than God's word and it's through His word that we know how to deal with issues that we face on a daily basis. Let's strive to learn more of God's word and strive to meditate of his word as they are the Words of Life.

I encourage you to subscribe to the latest posts and commentaries of the scriptures and to send your comments and any questions you may have. We look forward to hearing from you.

Let's learn together! God bless you!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

If They Keep Quiet, The Stones Will Cry Out

Jesus said these words to the Pharisees who wanted him to rebuke his disciples for praising God. Jesus' reply was pretty simple If they don't do it, the stones will! Jesus knew that He was so worthy of praise, the works of His Father in heaven were so worthy of praise that praise was mandatory, regardless of the source!

The Lord God is worthy of our praise! The disciples were praising God joyfully and in loud voices for all the miracles they had seen Jesus perform. They said, "Blessed is the king

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Praise the LORD. Psalms 150:6

Praise the Lord
Psalm 150:6 says, "Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. Praise the Lord!" This verse is such a powerful reminder of the universal call to worship God. It doesn’t set limits or qualifications—if you are living and breathing, you’re invited to praise!

Think about that for a moment. No matter your situation, whether life is smooth or you're navigating challenges, this verse tells us we are created to worship. It’s not about how talented we are or whether we feel “worthy.” It’s about acknowledging the One who gave us life and breath in the first place.

Throughout the Psalms, David often praises God in all circumstances. In Psalm 34:1, he declares, “I will bless the Lord at all times; His praise shall continually be in my mouth.” That’s the attitude we’re called to have. Praising God isn’t just for Sunday mornings—it’s a daily response to His goodness and faithfulness.

So, take a moment today. Whether you’re singing, praying, or just reflecting silently, let your breath—your life—bring glory to Him. Because as long as we’re alive, we have a reason to praise.

I will start with my praise, you are more than welcome to share yours.

Lord, I praise You because You are my God. 
I praise You because there is none like You in all the earth. 
I praise You because You have brought me up from the pit. 
I praise You for a renewed mind, heart, and spirit.
I praise You for loving me through it all. 
I praise You for never giving up on me.
I praise You for showing me what true love looks like.
I praise You for being there for me when I felt alone. 
I praise You, Yahweh, Your name is above all other names. 
I praise You for my beautiful family and lovely friends. 
I praise You for all my loved ones. 
I praise You for my health. 
I praise You for my sanity. 
I praise You for my life. 
I praise You for who You are. 
I praise you because You Are Worthy To Be Praised!

I will praise You whether things are good or bad. I'll praise You through my tears. I'll praise You in laughter. I'll just praise You Lord!

My mouth will speak in praise of the LORD. Let every creature praise his holy name forever and ever. Psalms 145:21

Saturday, January 1, 2011


Trust may be a simple word but by no means is it an easy fiat. Trusting someone takes time and sometimes even after knowing someone for ages, they can still violate your trust. 

Has anyone ever told you "Trust me," and then didn't prove themselves to be trustworthy? How about someone you trusted, totally violated your trust and left you with a broken heart? How about learning to eventually learning to trust someone only to find out everything they told you was a lie and everything you thought was the truth was a lie?

Those are all difficult situations to be in. Sadly, there isn't a foolproof way to prevent this from happening. People are people at the end of the day and they will make mistakes. I think the best thing to do is to give people grace first and then go from there. 

Reflect on your own actions. Have you ever been untrustworthy? Have you ever

Happy New Year!! A New Creation in Christ

"Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new." 2 Corinthians 5:17

We all have New Year Resolutions, things we have been trying to accomplish but didn't get a chance to last year, in 2010, or things that we see as new ventures in this new year. Let us put them before God and seek Him first knowing that all the things that we want will be added unto us.

But what about the things that we have done, maybe in the previous year(s) that we really need forgiveness for and repentance? I love this scripture because it lets us know that if we in Christ, the former

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Comfort During Grief


     I longed to be comforted but I was in so much pain, nothing anyone said could’ve soothed my breaking heart. But still, that longing was there. There were many that held me, kissed me, rocked with me while I cried, talked to me, listened to me, and some were just there. Everyone in their own way made sure that they provided some comfort for me during my most difficult time. I will always remember that. It meant so much to me and it’s truly in those times that you find out who really cares for you.

     The comfort I truly needed, I turned my back on due to anger and hurt. I couldn’t understand why God would allow this to happen. I couldn’t pray due to anger. Every fiber in my being longed for an explanation but there was none. My attempts to pray left me on my knees, in tears

Living with Grief

Life is a gift, fragile and quite fleeting, and yet it is filled with so much purpose. Death though inevitable, often feels abrupt and harsh...