Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Don't Look To No One Else To Give You What God Can And Will

Now when Rachel saw that she bore Jacob no children, Rachel envied her sister, and said to Jacob, “Give me children, or else I die!” 2 And Jacob’s anger was aroused against Rachel, and he said, “Am I in the place of God, who has withheld from you the fruit of the womb?” Genesis 30:1-2

Rachael expresses the sentiments that some of us may feel at one time or another. The thing that we want so badly that we feel will make us complete but we don't have. For some it may be a child as in Rachael's case, or a loving husband or wife, your own business or a good-paying job, a mansion on a hill etc. We each have a burning desire to attain or have something that we want. What if we felt like a person was in the position or had the power to give you that thing and they wouldn't or couldn't. Wouldn't you be angry at them? Wouldn't you sound desperate when relaying how you felt? In Rachael's case, she told her husband to give her children or she would die. That is the cry of a desperate woman, a woman who filled with envy, is sorrowful and even heartbroken that she can't give her husband a child. Imagine
for a moment what that might feel like.

When you are in a position where you don't have what you want, everything around you reminds you of it. I can only imagine what it felt like for Rachael to see her sister give her husband child after child and not having a child of her own. So it's understandable why she envied Leah, her sister. That's why she said what she did to her husband. I love what Jacob said to his wife. What he was saying is that as a man, (although he may have been connected to God and walked according to His word) he can never take God's place, therefore do not ask him to do what only He can do. Futhermore, do not look to him to give you what only God can. Look to God, don't look to me. As a man, Jacob was definitely fertile, therefore he had the seed but only God could've opened up her womb to receive that seed and to turn that seed into a child. Therefore, God is the only one who can make an impossible situation, possible.

Jacob understood this and I believe that's one of the reasons he got angry. He knew the power of God but instead of his wife relying on God's power, she choose to rely on his (an earthly vessel).  Jacob is the man who fought for what He wanted; who wouldn't let go until God had blessed him. This man is who a people, a nation, Israel, is named after. Not any nation, but as we see in the bible, God's elect. Therefore, he knew that blessings like that only come from God.

Later on in verse 22 of the same chapter, it says that God remembered Rachael and opened up her womb and she bore Jacob a son by the name of Joseph. The name of Joseph means "God will add". The Lord definitely added and gave her another son by the name of Benjamin. Those two sons were Jacob's favorite children out of the twelve.

The story of Rachael is but one of the many in which God caused a woman to conceive in her barren state. Remember the story of Samuel's mother, who prayed and God blessed her with a son. This story is but one of thousands to remind us that the God whom we serve is able to make a way out of the wilderness, He is able to make water in the desert. Therefore, put your trust in Him. Do not become discourage although it may not go according to your plan. Look to God because only Him can supply what you want and need. Ask him, have faith that it is done and you will receive it Matthew 21:22. That's what His word says. Therefore stand on His word, fast and pray and see miracles like no other happen in your life.

God bless you!

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