Saturday, January 1, 2011


Trust may be a simple word but by no means is it an easy fiat. Trusting someone takes time and sometimes even after knowing someone for ages, they can still violate your trust. 

Has anyone ever told you "Trust me," and then didn't prove themselves to be trustworthy? How about someone you trusted, totally violated your trust and left you with a broken heart? How about learning to eventually learning to trust someone only to find out everything they told you was a lie and everything you thought was the truth was a lie?

Those are all difficult situations to be in. Sadly, there isn't a foolproof way to prevent this from happening. People are people at the end of the day and they will make mistakes. I think the best thing to do is to give people grace first and then go from there. 

Reflect on your own actions. Have you ever been untrustworthy? Have you ever
violated someone's trust? Have you ever hurt someone as a result of violating their trust? Maybe you have but then again maybe you have. How would you want to be treated? Would you want to be cast to the side or would you want to be forgiven? Would you want others to show you mercy and grace or would you want the harshest punishment imaginable.

We cannot dictate how others will treat us nor do we sometimes know how we will react to those situations of distrust. I suggest leading with grace first. Nonetheless, the act of trusting someone is not to be taken lightly. When someone trusts you, you shouldn't betray their trust. It is something to be revered and handled with care. You don't know how your actions may affect the person in the future so always be mindful of that.

But among all the trust, trustworthiness, mistrust, distrust, trustworthiness, and so forth... there is one person we can put all our trust in. His name is Yahweh, our Soverign, Almighty, Omnipotent God! He is one man you will never have trust issues with. You can rest assured he won't stab you in the back, cheat on you, lie to you, violate your privacy, violate your marriage and vows, leave you for someone new, leave you destitute without a hope in sight. No way!
 "Blessed is the man that trusteth in the LORD, and whose hope the LORD is." Jeremiah 17:7
 Let us trust in the Lord and let our hope be the Lord so that He will bless us. 

Trust in God, not in man. When mistrust happens, remember to keep your eyes fixed on the Lord, not man. Truly trust Him to turn the negative into positive. Trust Him to work all things together for good for those who love Him and are called according to His purpose (Romans 8:28). 

Trust Him to supply all our needs even after our hearts may have been torn, broken, trampled underfoot, used, and misused. Let's put our faith in our Lord. 

"Commit thy way unto the LORD; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass." Psalms 37:5

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