Thursday, January 20, 2011

If They Keep Quiet, The Stones Will Cry Out

Jesus said these words to the Pharisees who wanted him to rebuke his disciples for praising God. Jesus' reply was pretty simple If they don't do it, the stones will! Jesus knew that He was so worthy of praise, the works of His Father in heaven were so worthy of praise that praise was mandatory, regardless of the source!

The Lord God is worthy of our praise! The disciples were praising God joyfully and in loud voices for all the miracles they had seen Jesus perform. They said, "Blessed is the king
who comes in the name of the Lord!” “Peace in heaven and glory in the highest!” - Luke 19:38-39.

As believers and even non-believers, we continually see the hand of God working in our lives. Each day is truly a blessing bestowed upon us, not because we deserve it by our own merit but because God has given it to us. It is by His hand and His might that we are here today. So give Him praise!

Sometimes people may not understand why you are praising Him just like the Pharisees didn't understand why the disciples were but God knows that if we are to keep our praises from Him, even the stones will cry out and praise Him because He is that worthy of praise! Can you imagine a stone crying out praises unto God? Wow! But that's how worthy our God is of our praise.

Think about it. Let's do the math. If each person on earth has 2 guardian angels and there are over 6 billion of us on earth (almost 7 billion), that's over 12 billion angels! Imagine 12 billion angels singing praises to God every hour, every minute, and every second of the day!  That is their job! Add that to other angels who were solely created for that purpose, just to praise God!

God has more than enough praises being bestowed unto Him but Psalms 150:6 says, "Let all who have breath, praise the Lord." What is even more amazing is that's how the book of Psalms ends. What a great ending to a book. 

When we realize that the source of our breath is from Almighty God, that is enough to praise Him. We do not want to be the the only ones left out as part of God's creation.

For you will go out with joy  And be led forth with peace;  The mountains and the hills will break forth into shouts of joy before you,  And all the trees of the field will clap their hands. (Isaiah 55:12)

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