Showing posts with label The Word of God. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Word of God. Show all posts

Thursday, April 7, 2011

The Battle of The Word

Matthew 4 details the temptation of Christ and the beginning of His ministry. 

The very first verse starts off with, "Then Jesus was led up by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil." This verse here conveys that this temptation was inevitable and almost a rite of passage for Jesus, seeing that he was led up by the Spirit. Something monumental occurred before this temptation and something even more monumental was ahead of Jesus after the temptation. The temptation occurred right after Jesus' baptism which further illustrates that this was something that Jesus had to go through. This temptation revealed to us that even Jesus was not immune to the temptations of the devil. However, Jesus was able to overcome the devil's temptations using the word of God.

The temptation of Jesus is what I like to call the "battle of the word." Jesus who is referred to as the Word of God (John 1:1) was using the word of God to rebuke the devil's words. Isn't it interesting that the devil would use the very thing that Jesus embodied? 

The devil contorts scripture to get Jesus to do what he wants. Remember that this was after Jesus had fasted for forty days and nights in the desert. Jesus was weak physically but mentally, emotionally, and spiritually He was quite strong. The devil comes to tempt us at our weakest moments or times in our lives, we are not immune to this. It will happen. However, do not be worried or fearful, Jesus showed us that the only way to win this battle is to be armed with the word of God. Speak God's word, defeat the enemy.

Jesus was about to begin his ministry, he was fasting, connecting with God and that is when the devil saw an opening to deter him from his path, from his purpose. Jesus was prepared. As believers, it is important to know the word of God. The devil showed how one can take the scripture out of context just for the purpose of leading you astray. 

Therefore, it is so important to read the scriptures, the word of God, the bible. As Paul states in 2 Timothy 3:16 "All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness." As we see here every temptation that the devil set before Jesus, Jesus used the word of God to rebuke and overcome the devil.

Imagine if Jesus had fallen victim to these temptations, where would we, as humanity, be? Take a minute or two and really ponder that. I honestly don't want to imagine it. I'm just grateful that Jesus won the battle for us.

Jesus serves as an example for us all, that regardless of what temptation comes our way, even at our lowest and weakest moment, we should hold on to the word of God. Fight your battles, armed with the word of God. I know firsthand how speaking the word of God gave me strength and kept me moving forward when all seemed dark and bleak. My only defense was the word of God. That is all I needed and it is all you need. Whenever we feel overwhelmed by whatever is going on in our lives, find a scripture that will encourage you and keep you moving closer to God.

What is amazing about the temptation of Christ is that after Jesus rebuked the devil, the angels came and ministered to Him (Matthew 4:11). This serves as another example that after we have fought our battles and held on to the word of God as our pillar, as our defense, God will send His angels to minister, to help, to tend to us and to aid us.

Let us continue to fight the "battle of the word" and the only way we can truly win this battle is to know the word of the living God. Let us get absorbed in it so that when those temptations, trails and tribulations come our way, we may win the battle, just like Jesus showed us that we can.

I pray God's blessing upon you and your household. Shalom!

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