Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!! A New Creation in Christ

"Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new." 2 Corinthians 5:17

We all have New Year Resolutions, things we have been trying to accomplish but didn't get a chance to last year, in 2010, or things that we see as new ventures in this new year. Let us put them before God and seek Him first knowing that all the things that we want will be added unto us.

But what about the things that we have done, maybe in the previous year(s) that we really need forgiveness for and repentance? I love this scripture because it lets us know that if we in Christ, the former
things that we have done have passed away and everything becomes new. We are new creatures in Him! Isn't that wonderful? God is a forgiving father who loves us and once we decide to turn away from doing things that are against His word and commandments (whatever it may be that we did), He will throw them into the sea of forgetfulness and things become new with Him.

There was a time when it was hard for me to grasp this concept because the world will make you believe that this is crazy talk or you are delusional to think that God can make things new. There were things I had done, I held on to and although I had repented and was convicted, it was still hard to let go. It was difficult because although I repented, God had forgiven me, and I was living anew, I had to deal with the people I hurt. I could not run away from what I had done because it was a part of me, a part of my growth, a part of understanding that we all in this life will make mistakes. I had to deal with the hurt I felt and harbored in my heart due to past pain. When I heard that sermon on this scripture, it truly changed my life.

We cannot go back and change the things we have done, we can only change what we do from that point on. We have to repent and ask God to forgive us. There will be days when you feel low but you have to keep reminding yourself of God's words. God has forgiven you, why do you find it hard to forgive yourself? God sees you as a new creation, see yourself as one too. Let go of the hurt, guilt, pain, and shame. Pray, fast and meditate on God's word. Truly release yourself from all the hurt by asking forgiveness from the one you hurt, if necessary. Proving to others that you have changed should not be your motivation, doing what is right should be. 

Temptations will come. It is so easy to revert to past habits and go back to a former lifestyle. Keep in mind what it took to get to a position of a shift in perspective, a new mindset. Consider the work you put in and the time it took. Think about those you would let down and those that are depending on the new you. But most importantly, consider the price Christ paid for your redemption. 

So as we move on in this new year, whatever you may have done that you regret, let it go, repent, ask God to forgive you, and forge a new path in Christ.

Pray for me as I pray for you. God bless you!

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