Sunday, December 5, 2010

Pray for Me as I Pray for You

Pray for me
"Confess your trespasses to one another, and pray for one another, that you may be healed." James 5:16

Isn't it good to have a best friend whom you feel like you can share everything with? Share your deepest and innermost thoughts and transgressions? James says here that we ought to confess our trespasses to one another. How hard is that! It may be especially hard when
we have done some things that we wish never to utter or have someone close to us know or anyone at all. But have you ever felt liberated by confessing or saying something that you have been holding on to for so long? I know from experience, that it's like a weight lifted off your shoulders, you can jump for joy as you are happy you no longer have to hold it in. Confession is truly good for the soul. It breaks those chains that may have had you in bondage for years and confession gets you on the path of change.

Moreover, imagine sharing your trespasses with a friend only to find that they also have the same problem. This is not only an opportunity to bond but also an opportunity to explore ways to end the temptations of sin. Where you may have felt ostracized, you now realize that you are not alone. 

The other part is to pray for one another that you may be healed. Confession is only one part of it but the other is prayer and not only you praying but others praying for you so that you may be made whole from those things that may have had you in bondage.

I am a believer in the effectiveness of prayer and having others pray for you, especially those who have an intimate relationship with God. Sometimes we can get caught up in praying for ourselves but how selfless is it to pray for a fellow brother in Christ and watch God work in their lives.

James asks us to be selfless in sharing our trespasses with each other as there is strength in numbers and strength in praying for each other. The verse continues to say. "The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much."

Pray for me as I pray for you brothers and sisters.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Amen! very easy reading I was comforted just reading it.Truly there is liberty in confession.God Bless your calming spirit.

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