Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Contentment is God Poem

I really like this poem but I don't know the author.

Contentment is God

Be Content in ME, MY child, I will supply your need
Be Content in ME alone, come MY child, I plead
I am your Rest, your Peace, your Calm,
your name's engraved
Upon MY
I'll keep you sheltered from all harm, be Content in ME
Possessions you can lose MY child, but I will still be there
Rest in MY arms of love dear child, I'll free you from all care
I am enough come "taste and see",
that true Contentment is in ME
Come MY child, come lean on ME, be Content in ME
I will not fail, or disappoint you, never shall it be
I am your refuge in a storm, come child take hold of ME
In ME your heart will find true rest,
 in ME alone, you will be blessed
I'll hold your hand through every test …
child, be Content in ME
Come be with ME, rest … and be still,
and I will draw you near
Come rest your head upon MY breast,
I'll free you from all fear
I want to fill you with MY Peace,
to give your soul, MY sweet release
In ME alone, your strivings cease, be Content in ME
I'M all that you will ever need, come child, and take MY hand
We two together are as one, and so we'll walk this land
I am yours, and you are MINE, on you MY Glory, I will shine
Come learn MY ways, they are Divine, be Content in ME
MY Love for you, will always be, each day I'm at your side
Spend much time alone with ME, MY arms are opened wide
I want to be your "all in all", to lift you up, each time you fall
Assuring you I hear your call, be Content in ME
In sickness, heartache, death, and loss, …
 I want to comfort you
To hold you in MY "arms of love",
 to give you hope anew
I am your Dearest Closest Friend,
on ME you always can depend
I'll be with you, until life's end,
be Content in ME
I want to share Eternity, with you, MY Precious one
MY Heaven is prepared for those, who trust in MY Dear SON
YES! Heaven is the Final Home,
for those who trust in CHRIST Alone
For all your sins, HE did Atone … come be Content in ME

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