Saturday, November 9, 2013

Truly let go of the pain from the past... Hurt people in turn Hurt people

"I couldn't have been healed from the abuse until I stop using it as an excuse for bad behavior." - Joyce Meyer.

       Joyce Meyers openly speaks about the abuse she experienced as a child. She usually talks about how that hurt and pain caused her future hurt and pain. It is evident that once you've been hurt, and you don't deal with it and heal from it, you will continue the cycle of pain and hurt. In fact, some people use the abuse experienced at a young age or at some time in their life as a free ticket to behave recklessly or engage in negative behavior. In truth, that usually tends to happen whether persons are conscious of it or not.
       When speaking to others and based on my own personal experience, you sometimes engage in those behaviors because something inside of you was taken from you and you feel lost. You may feel like your worth was diminished, you are not whole, not as you once were or how God made you. Something happened that negatively influenced your outlook on life. I know persons who turned to prostitution, homosexuality, drugs, and self-destructive behavior because of the hurt they experienced. On the other hand, I know others who have become motivational speakers, ministers and counselors in an attempt to help those around them who have been hurt and to also stop the cycle of pain and hurt.
        At the end of the day, the decision lies with you. You have the power to change things around for either good or bad. You decide. Yes you were hurt, but how long can you continue to blame someone for your actions? The truth is, you can only perpetuate that lie for so long. Let go and let God heal your pain and hurt. We believe that God's love has the ability to do that, the same way God's love healed us.
       None of us are perfect but God Almighty loves us regardless. "but God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us." - Romans 5:8. He believes in us. Let's believe in ourselves also to change and become the person He intended us to be. Truly let go of the pain of the past.

Read more here in our part one of this "hurt people in turn hurt people" series.

If this has helped you in any way, share it with others and we welcome your feedback. God bless you.

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