Thursday, November 7, 2013

Because I was abused... by Carmen Elgen- Hurt people in turn hurt people... Part 1

Because I was abused, I abused myself and others.
Because I was mistreated, I mistreated myself and others.
Because I wasn't loved, I didn't know how to love myself and others.
Because I had such a low self-esteem, no one could have convinced me of my worth.

Because I held everything inside, confiding in someone was not an option.
Because I experienced loss, it didn't matter whether you walked away or stayed.
Because my heart broke daily, I needed something to make the pain go away.
Because I felt violated, raped, and abandoned, I became numb.

Because I told you how I felt, doesn't give you the right to judge me.
Because you don't know how I feel, empathy is greatly needed on your part.
Because I open up to you, gives you a little insight.
Because I trust you not to use this against me and hurt me, then maybe this cycle can stop.

This poem was written by one of our contributors, Carmen Elgen. We can each identify with something said in this poem as none of us are immune to hurt. Stay tuned for more on our series on Hurt.

God bless you! Please share this with someone.

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