Sunday, November 13, 2011

Forgetting those things which are behind...Phillippians 3:13

Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead. Phillippians 3:13

      Paul states that he does not count himself to have apprehended or grasp fully all the things that Christ asks of him.  However one thing that he knows for certain that he does is forget those things that are behind him and strive for those things that are ahead.
      It's hard to move forward if you are stuck in the past. It's hard to strive for perfection if you continue living in the past where you were not so perfect, which is the story of Paul and so many of us. Paul knew that in order to move forward to do those things that he set out to do after being convicted, he could not keep bringing up the past, he had to forget the past.
      Remembering the past ills, actions etc is not conducive to progress. Forgetting them and having your eyes on what is ahead and striving for those things is what is. 
    May God strengthen you on your journey to forgetting the past and reaching for those things that are ahead. God bless you. 

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