Monday, July 19, 2010

God looks at the heart

 ... For the LORD seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the LORD looketh on the heart.- 1 Samuel 16:7

A good friend sent me this morning's devotional and I thought I would share it. The message went on to say "God can read your heart like an open book, when others can only see what's on the surface of your life.
I was moved to share it because I know how it feels when it seems only God really
knows your heart and your intent. You can tell others what's in your heart and they sometimes will never know but God knows.

But what help is it to you if
God knows and other people do not know? How does that help when no matter how many times you relay to others how you feel or try to explain who you are they still don't get it? Well, guess what? It doesn't matter! God has the final judgment! Furthermore, if you care that much ask God and trust Him to reveal it to others. Look at Samuel, God used him to reveal Israel's future king based on what God saw in David's heart.

God sent Samuel to anoint Israel's new king, after God had rejected Saul. Now, when Samuel went to anoint the new king, Jesse brought his sons, and when Samuel saw Jesse's eldest son, in his heart he thought, "Oh yes this must be the king!" But God said, "Don't look at his appearance or his height or stature because I have refused him."

Samuel, even as a prophet, was going by what he saw with his physical eyes, someone's appearance. Humans are easily fooled by outward appearances. God guided Samuel into making the right selection. We must allow God to guide us in making the right selections or decisions. If we rely on ourselves, we will only see what is on the surface and ultimately make the wrong decisions. God knows the heart of everyone, no matter what we look like, what we do, or what we may have done. We cannot fool God, we can only fool ourselves.

David was a young handsome man at the time and although he had good looks and was a shepherd boy some may have said, that's all there is to him. But God saw more, God saw his heart, God knew his heart. David went on to be a king after God's own heart.

Isn't it wonderful to know that God knows our hearts, even when others do not? Knowing that is enough to praise him right now! If your heart is not right with God, this should be the motivation to get it right, because God knows the heart of every man, good or evil -our intentions and thoughts even when our actions may contradict our intentions. So when others cannot see the real you and they judge you based on how you look and other factors that do not matter to God, remember God knows all, even what others cannot see or refuse to see.

David said this to his son Solomon, his successor, passing on what he knew to be true.

As for you, my son Solomon, know the God of your father, and serve Him with a loyal heart and with a willing mind; for the LORD searches all hearts and understands all the intent of the thoughts. If you seek Him, He will be found by you; but if you forsake Him, He will cast you off forever.” (1 Chronicles 28:9)

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