What a friend we have in Jesus

I visited a church recently and we sang that song. I've known the song growing up but it didn't hit me or move me more than when I read the lyrics and I shook my head in church and smiled to myself. I stopped singing and mouthed the words and that's when I realized that this song, as simple as it is, is powerful! All we have to do is take everything to the Lord in prayer.

Sometimes we may not see Jesus as
a friend. We may see him as our Lord and Savior and we praise him and love him for what He did for us but can we look at him in the light of being our friend also? A friend you can talk to about anything. A friend who can
take away your grief and sorrows, a friend who doesn't judge you but is there to help and a friend who will never leave you nor forsake you. Jesus is that type of friend and more.

I went through a period where although I professed to be a Christian, I found it hard to talk to God because I couldn't verbalize the pain or sadness I felt, therefore I said nothing at all. I preferred to sit and wonder than to call on my friend and talk to Him. And when I would talk to Him it was as it He didn't want to hear from me!

That even made it worst because what I was asking for I wasn't getting and I felt He had abandoned me. That could not have been further from the truth. I learned that God is near to the heartbroken and saves those who are crushed in spirit (Psalms 34:18). And although I may not get what I want right away, I will get it when God sees it fit and it will not be late when it is God's appointed time (Habukkuk 2:3).

Jesus is our friend and we need to tell him everything and pray to him continuously because prayer is powerful, it moves, removes, shakes and shatter some things in our lives. When you are walking in God's word, your prayers changes things. The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much (James 5:16)

This songs continues to say that "O what peace we often forfeit, O what needless pain we bear, all because we do not carry everything to God in prayer. " It speaks of us doing ourselves an injustice by not praying to God. Some things in our lives that we deem negative could've and can be avoided if we pray to God.

Don't we crave for peace of mind and to be free of stress, pain, heartaches, sadness and all the negative feelings we harbor and sometimes feel? Well there is a way: Jesus Christ. He is the way, the truth and the life. Anything we as believers of Christ want to do, we need to pray to Him and let it go, allow Him to solve it, have faith in Him and He will take care of it. He will take care of you. Just take it to the Lord in prayer.

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