Tuesday, August 18, 2015

The Lord Is My Shepherd ...

The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want. - Psalms 23:1 

       Psalms 23 is one of the more popular Psalms and each verse gives us a picture of God as the good shepherd. Today, I just want to focus on the first verse.
       I have been praying for months for God to help me receive a scholarship to go off to school. However, these past couple weeks, I've found myself in deeper communion with the Lord. I prayed more, read my bible more and acknowledged God more throughout the day. I had moments when I doubted if God would allow this to happen. I cried, I prayed, I talked about it with my mom who prayed with me and encouraged me daily. Every time I had a moment of doubt, she reassured me. Every time I felt helpless and frustrated,

Friday, August 7, 2015

Taste and see that the Lord is good... Psalms 34:8

     Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good; Blessed is the man who trusts in Him! Psalms 34:18

       One of my favorite fruits to eat in the summer time is watermelon. I love the taste, the texture and how refreshing it is. I think it's the best fruit to eat on a hot summer day.
       Since I know the taste of watermelon, I've become knowledgeable about what it does to me and how it's good for me and how it makes me feel. All this knowledge I've acquired not only through experience but through looking up the benefits of the fruit as well.
       Similarly, can we give the Lord God, our creator, the creator of heaven and earth, the same

Living with Grief

Life is a gift, fragile and quite fleeting, and yet it is filled with so much purpose. Death though inevitable, often feels abrupt and harsh...