Saturday, February 16, 2013

Progressing continuously in Christ

Happy new year everyone!

I know, I know, I'm quite late. I do apologize. I pray that in this year and the many more years that God blesses us with, that we will continue to grow in Him and be more Christ-like. I pray that all your dreams, hopes, desires come true this year and the years to come. Just put them before God and He will surely grant you the desires of your heart. Have faith in Him.

As a new year approaches, of course many of us will make resolutions. These resolutions are sometimes be based on things we may not have accomplished in previous years that we would like to accomplish this year. Or we may be inspired and have new goals and dreams. But imagine for a minute having
the same goal or dream year after year, wanting to progress in the same area of your life, year in and year out. Has that ever happened to you? Do you feel that sometimes you start of with good intentions in the beginning of the year and by year's end you at still at the same place?

Brothers and sisters, I've definitely been there. You feel stuck in a rut, no progress. Well, my area was my spiritual life. I was never satisfied with where I was, although I was making progress but it was never enough for me. It's like you know what to do but you don't do it, you forget or you just are afraid in a sense to go there. I don't believe I'm suppose to be at same place I was a year ago, a month ago or a week ago. Just like time that keeps ticking and moving, we too have to keep growing, growing in all areas of our lives. Although you may be at the same job day in and day out, you should always strive to learn something new everyday. It's the same thing with our spirtual walk, you should be striving to know more about the word of God everyday, you should have a deeper relationship with God by doing things that you know will please him, by praying, fasting, putting His word into action, by having faith, sharing His word with others and producing fruit.

When I look back at the years I spent at the same position, never elevating or progressing not only spiritually but in other areas of my life, I am saddened by the wasted time. Now, I absolutely hate wasting time. What's so great is that once I realized that I didn't want to waste time being in the same position spiritually and not growing, I applied that concept to other areas of my life.

Our spirtual lives are very important. Our bodies will die, but our spirit will live on. While we have breath, while we have another year, another week, day, minute or second, let's make the most of it. let's grow in Christ. Let's strive not to go through our days mindlessly accomplishing tasks without first tapping into our greatest source of strength which is the Lord God Almighty. Let this year be a year of change for you.

And we pray this in order that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and may please him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God, being strengthened with all power according to his glorious might so that you may have great endurance and patience, and joyfully giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of the saints in the kingdom of light. Colosians 1:10-12

God bless you.

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