Friday, November 11, 2011

There is no want to those who fear Him Psalms 34:9

Oh, fear the LORD, you His saints! There is no want to those who fear Him. Psalms 34:9

       Every so often, there's news about the world's economy and how we are in a recession. This news can be depressing for those who do not know the word of God. It is clearly stated here that although there is a recession, God's holy people, those that fear Him, are not in a recession. His holy people will have no lack of anything that they want. I like that this scripture did not say, "there is no need" but "there is no want for those that fear Him." Which means that God will not only provide what we need but also those things that we want! 
      This great news is directed at God's holy people, His saints, those that fear Him, those that obey His commandments. People that fall under that umbrella will hear the depressing news about a recession and rest assured that they have nothing to be worried about nor fear. Amen!
      Be strengthened in the knowledge that God will provide our every want and need. Bless the Lord! 

If this has been a blessing to you, share it with a friend or anyone. 

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