Wednesday, November 30, 2011

God we thank You and praise Your glorious name! 1Chronicles 29:13

“Now therefore, our God, we thank You and praise Your glorious name. 1Chronicles 29:13

Everyday is a day of thanksgiving! God has been so good to me, and everyday He's blessing me!
Today is Thanksgiving Day! Although some countries do not celebrate it, it's a national holiday in other countries. Its a good time to get together with family and enjoy many delicacies. Many sit around the table, state the things they are grateful for and then stuff themselves with turkey and ham.
       Although it promotes family togetherness, the purpose of this day should not be forgotten. It is a day to give thanks to God, hence the name of
the holiday. The Pilgrims gave thanks to God for the blessings He had bestowed upon them. They had endured a lot just to have the freedom to worship God as they pleased and when harvest time came, they gave God thanks.
       Some of us are fortunate that we can worship and praise God as we see fit but for others it is not as easy. But the word of God says that we must give thanks in all circumstances. Not only when we have acquired a bountiful harvest but even when we have lost loved ones through sickness and disease as it was the story of the Pilgrims. They decided to take out a day where every one was a part of this successful harvest and they thanked God.
       What are you thankful for? How can you show God  you are thankful? Who else can you share your blessings with? Who can you tell of God's love and His many blessings? Brothers and sisters in Christ, be encouraged and continue to give God thanks in all circumstances. God bless you.

If this has been a blessing to you, let it be a blessing to a friend or someone else by sharing it. Shalom!

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