Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Life is a blessing ...

Life is a blessing
Life keeps moving forward, even when you are having a bad day or when things do not go as planned. It doesn't stop to give you a moment to gather yourself, the clock keeps ticking.  

The only true refuge is God, our source of strength, wisdom, love and so much more.

When you feel exhausted and overwhelmed in every area of your life, it is a sign to pause and draw closer to God. Retreat into His presence and remain there, for He can carry you through the toughest days and turn the good ones into something extraordinary. 

In this life...

Every day is a blessing
Every new person you meet is a meeting with God's creation
Every conversation is honored 
Every smile is heartwarming
Every hug is a delight
Every kiss is adored
Every kind word or word of encouragement is a manifestation of love
Every tear is cleansing
Every frustration is a test
Every trial is strengthening
Every prayer is bonding time between Father and His child

I'm only here for a short time, as are all of us, what you do with your life is what you see fit, but as for me and my house we shall serve the Lord! Every day I try to do the right thing according to God's word. I want my life to be consumed by Him and for Him to use me, as He has countless times. He will always get the glory. I learned a while back, whether verbalized or not that we think small and God thinks big (look at our universe). As big as we may think we are thinking, it cannot compare to God's great thinking. I say that because in this life, those blessings that we may think will make us happy, God sees more and wants to give us more but we have to be in line to receive those blessings, we have to have that relationship with Him for Him to bless us.

We cannot put a limit on God. In my life, I can say that it has been faith that has proven this to be a fact. When all around me say no it cannot happen, I say yes it will and I have faith and what I put my faith in comes to pass. But the minute I start buying into what everyone is pessimistic about, I realize that what they say does come into being because I started to believe it. Be careful what you say. Be careful who you listen to. Be careful what you believe. 

Life is nothing without God. Aside from the many blessings He is able to bestow upon us, our main focus should be to have a meaningful relationship with Him. Sometimes we see what we can get out of God and we may want to use Him as we use others but God knows our hearts. He knows all things. Be honest, be true, and be all that you can be in Christ. The sky is truly the limit.

"But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you." Matthew 6:33


Anonymous said...

Amen! I came across your site today...I DO APPRECIATE your words of encouragement.
I am learning to lean and trust in God everyday.I Love Him really..because He understands me when no one else does.Please pray for my strength and walk with Him.

Application of God's Word said...

Thank God! I will definitely pray for you and your walk with Him. Continue to focus on Him and His word when all else around you fail, His word never will. He will not let you go because you have the heart to worship Him. God loves you and Be Encouraged.

Living with Grief

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