Saturday, March 19, 2011

Gifts Given to Jesus

Matthew 2 describes what happened after Jesus' birth in Bethlehem and how the wise men were on a search for Jesus, The King of the Jews. They went to Herod the king, thinking that a king should be born in a palace but however he was not there. Herod and all of Jerusalem were
troubled by the thought of a king being born but prophecy had to be fulfilled  (Matthew 2:6, Micah 5:2) and this is what Herod found out when he called his scribes. Herod told the wise men that when they found baby Jesus to come and tell him.

So the wise men continued on their search for the King and when they found him, they worshiped Him and offered him the three gifts, gold, frankincense, and myrrh.  Now, why were these gifts offered to Jesus and what do they mean?

As stated earlier, prophecy had to be fulfilled, therefore these gifts were symbolic of Jesus' purpose. The wise men knew this and that is why they offered these particular gifts to Jesus. Let's examine closely what each gift represents.

Gold - This was a gift that was usually given to kings and they referred to Jesus as the KING of the Jews. Jesus is not only King of the Jews but our King as believers.

Frankincense - Frankincense was burned at the altar in the Jewish temples and it gives off a sweet-smelling aroma. They believe that the smoke rising toward heaven was symbolic of their prayers going up to God. Jesus is the answer to all our prayers. Jesus showed us how to pray (Matthew 6:9).  Because of Him we don't have to go to a priest to intercede on our behalf, Jesus has taken that place (Romans 8:34) . We can go directly to God through Him. As He says, "I am the way, the truth, and the life, no one comes to the Father but by me - John 4:16.

Myrrh- Myrrh was used to bathe the bodies of the dead. This gift represents that Jesus was going to die, His purpose - the ultimate sacrifice for our sins.

The prophecy to be fulfilled was represented in the form of gifts. These gifts represented the purpose of Jesus' birth. The King was born to die for our sins. Throughout his life, he knew this and battled with it but his purpose had to be fulfilled.

Wouldn't it be great to know our purpose at birth and what God has us here to do? Don't you think it would be sad for your parents to know that you were born to be a sacrifice for all men? Jesus' purpose was great and his prophetic birth means salvation for us all.

I would like to hear from you. What do you think those gifts represented? 

May God continue to bless you.

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