Why Is It So Hard To Get Married These Days?


One of the readers left this question under the post "Marriage is Sacred and Binding." They asked, "Why is it so hard to get married these days?" This is a great question and one that has many layers. I will provide some insight from a biblical perspective. I do not claim to have all the answers and I welcome your comments on the topic.

I believe that marriage is a sacred institution designed by God, yet many people today find it challenging to take that step. This can stem from numerous societal, emotional, and spiritual factors influencing our relationships. Let's be real, marriage does not get a good rap, especially when you look at the divorce rate. I'm sure we have seen toxic relationships that have left an imprint on us or have been in one that has left us scared. Just ask anyone who is married and they will tell you, it is not for the faint of heart. It requires a lot of work and it is HARD work. 

Based on my research, here are some factors that may influence why it is so hard to get married these days.

1. Cultural Shifts in Attitudes Toward Marriage

In recent years, societal views on marriage have shifted dramatically. Many people now see marriage as an option rather than a necessity, leading to a decline in traditional marriage rates. Remember that in the beginning, God created marriage as he saw its necessity and importance. In Genesis 2:18, God saw that Adam was alone and He said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.” God created marriage to fulfill the need for companionship and support. However, in a culture that increasingly prioritizes individualism and personal freedom, the commitment of marriage can seem daunting or unnecessary.

2. Fear of Commitment

Another significant factor is the fear of commitment. Many individuals have witnessed or experienced the heartbreak of divorce, which can lead to hesitation about entering into a lifelong commitment. If you have ever been in a relationship where you were hurt by a breakup or by what your partner did, you know the lasting impact it had on your heart. It might have made you fearful to enter into another relationship because of the heartache you felt. Imagine a marriage, a sacred bond, instituted by God, it becomes even more frightening as the stakes are higher.

However, fear should not deter people from getting married. Putting God first is key, so is fasting, and praying. You should also read the bible to familiarize yourself with what God says about love, the characteristics of a husband and a wife. This will help you when choosing a mate and make it less fearful. Our Lord is the only one that can drive that fear away from your heart. In 1 John 4:18, it is stated, “There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear…” God's love is complete and unconditional. God's love offers assurance and security, so there is no need to live in fear.

3. Changing Priorities and Values

Today's generation often prioritizes career, personal development, and experiences over traditional milestones like marriage. Many young people feel pressure to establish their careers or pursue education before settling down. There is nothing wrong with that. We each have our priorities and with the cultural and economic shifts, we want to be financially secure and pursue our dreams, among other things. This generation tends not to prioritize marriage therefore, fewer people want to get married. 

With seeking our dreams, educations, careers, and different experiences, let's remember that in Matthew 6:33, Jesus advises us to “Seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” This emphasizes the importance of prioritizing our relationship with God, which can ultimately guide our decisions regarding marriage. When individuals put their careers or desires above God's will, it can lead to a delay in pursuing marriage.

4. The Impact of Technology

Modern dating has been profoundly transformed by technology. While online dating and social media provide greater access to potential partners, they can also foster a superficial view of relationships.

In Proverbs 4:23, we are instructed to “Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.” The abundance of choices and the ease of communication can make it difficult to form deep, meaningful connections. This can lead to a tendency to keep relationships casual or to avoid commitment altogether.

5. The Importance of Preparation

Many people feel that they need to be fully prepared—emotionally, financially, and spiritually—before getting married. While preparation is vital, it can also be a barrier if individuals wait for the "perfect" moment that may never come.

Proverbs 24:27 encourages us to “Put your outdoor work in order and get your fields ready; after that, build your house.” This illustrates the importance of preparation but also suggests that we shouldn’t let the quest for perfection keep us from making significant life decisions.

6. Spiritual Readiness

Lastly, spiritual readiness plays a crucial role in the decision to marry. For many, the foundation of a successful marriage is rooted in faith. Individuals may hesitate to marry if they feel unequally yoked with someone who does not share their beliefs.

2 Corinthians 6:14 warns us, “Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers.” When couples do not share the same faith or values, it can create significant challenges in their relationship. This may lead to individuals waiting until they find a partner who shares their commitment to Christ before considering marriage.

The difficulty of getting married today can be attributed to various factors, including cultural shifts, fear of commitment, changing priorities, the impact of technology, the need for preparation, and spiritual readiness. While these challenges are real, it’s essential to remember that God has a purpose for marriage and that He is always working in our lives.

As you navigate relationships, seek guidance from Scripture and pray for discernment. In doing so, you’ll be better equipped to understand God’s design for marriage and take the steps necessary to build a lasting, committed relationship. God’s plans are always for our good, and with faith and patience, He can lead you to the right partner in His perfect timing.

God bless you!

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