Showing posts with label Grief. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Grief. Show all posts

Comfort During Grief


     I longed to be comforted but I was in so much pain, nothing anyone said could’ve soothed my breaking heart. But still, that longing was there. There were many that held me, kissed me, rocked with me while I cried, talked to me, listened to me, and some were just there. Everyone in their own way made sure that they provided some comfort for me during my most difficult time. I will always remember that. It meant so much to me and it’s truly in those times that you find out who really cares for you.

     The comfort I truly needed, I turned my back on due to anger and hurt. I couldn’t understand why God would allow this to happen. I couldn’t pray due to anger. Every fiber in my being longed for an explanation but there was none. My attempts to pray left me on my knees, in tears

Blessed Are They Who Mourn For They Shall Be Comforted


     In the dictionary the word “mourning” is defined as “Sorrow, lamentation, grief; To express sadness or sorrow for; to grieve over.” Mourning is something we usually do when there is loss, loss of a person or thing. Mourning is a result of heartbreak, pain, despair, frustration and hurt. I never knew what it was to truly mourn until my father passed and I’m still grieving his death. In fact, I didn’t mourn his death as I would’ve liked to. I really wanted to scream, shout, tear at my clothes, run down the street screaming, fall to