Friday, August 7, 2015

Taste and see that the Lord is good... Psalms 34:8

     Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good; Blessed is the man who trusts in Him! Psalms 34:18

       One of my favorite fruits to eat in the summer time is watermelon. I love the taste, the texture and how refreshing it is. I think it's the best fruit to eat on a hot summer day.
       Since I know the taste of watermelon, I've become knowledgeable about what it does to me and how it's good for me and how it makes me feel. All this knowledge I've acquired not only through experience but through looking up the benefits of the fruit as well.
       Similarly, can we give the Lord God, our creator, the creator of heaven and earth, the same
benefit? Can those who do not have a relationship with him take a chance to experience Him? Will you take the chance to research the bible and find the benefits of living for Christ? Would you find that it does your mind, body and soul good? Will you find that your life, your quality of living will be enhanced by choosing to walk with Him? Or will you find that is is too difficult of a life to commit to and continue living the way you are?
       David said to taste which in essence means to experience, have a personal relationship with the Lord God, and you will leave that encounter knowing, seeing, verifying and believing that the Lord is good. You cannot know how a meal tastes unless you've tried it. You have to experience it. You have to use your senses to help you make a decision or judgement on this meal. The same is true with God, you have to experience His love, his forgiving nature, His kindness, His steadfastness, His power, His majesty, His protection and His glory to really understand who He is.
       When you walk with the Lord, you get to know His will for your life, you get to know Him, experience Him, you enter into a relationship with Him. What we believe and what we've experienced is what David knew through experience. Over and over in David's life, God showed Himself to him and proved that He is good! The Lord is good. In fact, the Lord is better than just good, He is excellent, fabulous, wonderful, fantastic, marvelous, we can go on forever... But we could've never been able to say these things if we never had an experience with him, better yet a personal relationship with him.
      We should not solely rely on one experience to dictate the status of our relationship with God because time and time again He will prove Himself more than worthy or our praise. Sometimes in life, it only takes one experience to make us realize that we want nothing else but to serve Him, we want nothing else but to to know more about God and walk with Him.
       So as David admonishes us to taste and see that the Lord is good, we too do the same. We urge you to get into a relationship with the Lord God and get to know His will for your life.

If this or any of our post, has been an inspiration to you, share it with your family and friends. Let us get the word of God out there. God bless you!

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